Journals - Conference Articles - Grants - Patents - Pre-Grant Patent Publications
- 2005-2006 "3-Dimensional Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for Adaptive Optics" National Science Foundation, UCSC Center for Adaptive Optics, $100,000
- 2006-2007 "3-Dimensional Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for Adaptive Optics", National Science Foundation, UCSC Center for Adaptive Optics, $101,858
- 2006-2007 "AO Microscopy for Deep Tissue Imaging," NSF Center for Adaptive Optics seed proposal, November 2006-October 2007, $100,000.
- 2007-2008 "Printed Quantum Dot Solar Cells," CITRIS, July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008, $50,000
- 2007-2008 "Wavelength and Polarization Agile Infrared Detectors based on HgCdTe," Air Force STTR topic AF07-T027, 9/1/2007-4/30/2008, $25,000.
- 2007-2008 "Fabrication of a Vertically Oriented Carbon Nanofiber Based Nano-Electro-Mechanical Switch," University Affiliated Research Center's Aligned Research Program (ARP), April 1, 2007- September 30, 2008, $36,138